IT News and Updates

As your IT -  Computer Service Provider, 
we feel it is our duty to keep you informed of the latest news and updates related to the computer industry:

Microsoft Network Outage:

right on the heals of the Crowdstrike outage, On July 30th Microsoft experienced an outage of their Office 365, Azure and other cloud-based services.

Their investigation led them to announce that it was a malicious attack (a Denial of Service for all fellow geeks).

All Services are up and running again, though the investigation as who, why and where is still on going.

Crowd Strike Outage:

So what it really boils down to is that there was an error in a line of code in an update that was sent out to their END-Point protection systems (Anti Virus Protection).  Crowd Strike is quick to send out updates when they discover new virus threats to their clients computers.  Unfortunately this error caused more  harm than good.  Additional updates have since been released to resolve the problem.  heir protection is back functioning properly.  There was no "hack" or other malicious activity.  Click on the link below to watch me answer a few questions in  an interview about this outage.

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